The instructions of robot car control platform API

Data Driven Engine Command Engine.dll

The engine must be initialized before use it. I have initialized the engine as an instance of RobotEngine2. The following are based on this instance to introduce the calling of various functions.

 Function description

  1. public IPEndPoint IPE {get; set;}

Role: attribute constructor

Parameters: an instance of IP End Point


ips = IP Address.Parse(control IP.To String());

ipe = new IP End Point(ips, Convert.ToInt32(port.To String()));

RobotEngine2.IPE = ipe;

  1. public Socket SOCKET {get; set;}

Role: attribute constructor

Parameters: Socket instance


socket = new Socket(Address Family.Inter Network, Socket Type.Stream, Protocol Type.Tcp);

Robot Engine2.SOCKET = socket;

  1. public byte[] CreateData(byte type, byte cmd, byte data);

Role: build data package

Parameters: type: type bit, cmd: command bit, data: data bit

Return value: return a 5-bit byte format data packet, the header and the end of the packet are both FF, no parity bit


byte [] data = Create Data(0x01, 0x02, 0x03);

The returned data value is: FF 01 02 03 FF

  1. public void DrawSignal(int signalType, Graphics g, int x, int y, int PenWidth);

Function: Generate a crosshair or circular crosshair on the specified control

Parameters: singalType: crosshair type, 0 is cross, 1 is circle; g: PaintEventArgs.Graphics value of the control; x: control length; y: control width; PenWidth: pen thickness


private void camera Window_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)




This function must be run in the Paint event of the control so that it can be called every time when it is redrawn.

  1. public byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string s);

Function: Convert a character string to a data packet in byte [] format

Parameters: string format string, an even-digit string accord with hexadecimal format

Return value: byte [] format packet


byte [] data= HexStringToByteArray("FF000100FF");

The return data value is: FF 00 01 00 FF

  1. public void SendCMD(int controlType, byte[] byteData, SerialPort comm);

Role: overload function, send byte data packet format command

Parameters: controlType: type, 0 is WIFI mode, 1 is Bluetooth mode; byteData: byte[] format data packet, comm: Bluetooth serial port, SerialPort type.


byteData = CreateData("FF000100FF");


RobotEngine2.SendCMD(0, byteData, comm);

This program will send byteData data packets to the designated socket in WIFI mode;

byteData = CreateData("FF000100FF");


public void SendCMD(1, byteData, comm);

This program will send byteData packets to the designated serial port comm in Bluetooth mode

  1. public void SendCMD(int controlType, string CMD_Custom, Serial Port comm);

Role: overload function, send format command of string data packet

 Parameters: control Type: type, 0 is WIFI mode, 1 is Bluetooth mode; CMD_Custom: string format data packet, comm: Bluetooth serial port, Serial Port type.


String S="FF000100FF";


RobotEngine2.Send CMD(0, s, comm);

This program will send the “S “ data string to the designated socket in WIFI mode;

String S="FF000100FF";


RobotEngine2.Send CMD(1, s, comm);

This program will send the “S” data string to the designated serial port comm in Bluetooth mode

  1. public void SendDataIn Comm(Serial Port comm, byte[] data);

Role: Overload function, used to send byte format data packet directly from Bluetooth serial port

Parameters: comm: serial port instance of Serial Port type, data packet in data:byte[] format



data = Create Data("FF000100FF");

RobotEngine2.Send Data In Comm(Serial Port comm, byte[] data);

This program sends the data packet data in byte format from the designated serial port comm (SerialPort1).

  1. public void SendData In Comm(Serial Port comm, string data);

 Role: overloaded function, used to send string format data directly from the Bluetooth serial port

Parameters: comm: serial port instance of Serial Port type, data packet in data:byte[] format

Routine: comm=this. SerialPort1; RobotEngine2.Send Data In Comm(Serial Port comm, “FF000100FF”);

This program sends out the data string in string format from the designated serial port comm (SerialPort1).

  1. public void SendHeart CMD(int control Type, Serial Port comm);

Function: Send a heartbeat packet each 10S, to maintain a long-term connection with the server.

Parameters: control Type: type, 0 is WIFI mode, 1 is Bluetooth mode, comm: Bluetooth serial port instance of Serial Port type Routine: comm=this. SerialPort1; RobotEngine2. Send Heart CMD (0, comm);

The program will send a heartbeat packet FFEFEFEEFF to the WIFI channel every 10 seconds

  1. public bool SocketConnect();

Function: Socket connection function, connect to the routing server through WIFI, the connection is asynchronous callback.

Parameter: The function parameter is special, and its connection needs a socket. The socket comes from the attribute constructor SOCKET, so before calling this parameter, complete the instantiation of the socket, and refer to function 2 to assign it to the SOCKET attribute.

Return value: The function returns a bool value, true if the connection is successful, false if it fails.


Bool ret;

ret = RobotEngine2.Socket Connect();

Execute this section of the program, if the connection is successful WIFI routing, return true, otherwise false

  1. public void TakePhoto(Bitmap snapshot, string RootPath, string FileName);

Function: The camera function is used to take photos on the control platform and save them in the Root Path+File Name path in BMP format.

Parameters: snapshot: the bitmap format object of the current video window; RootPath: the path where the photo is saved; File Name: the name of the photo file.


RobotEngine2.Take Photo(camera Window.Camera.Last Frame, Image Path, Create Picture File());

Robot carSmart robot car

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