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XiaoR GEEK Phage ROS SLAM Bionic Hexapod Smart Programmierbare Roboter-Kits mit Jetson NANO


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A brief discussion on the different versions of the corgi intelligent robot dog

A brief discussion on the different versions of the corgi intelligent robot dog

AI dogXiaoR GEEKTechnology Co.,Ltd
Generally speaking, the ordinary version of the robot dog has relatively basic functions and is suitable for simple applications and primary education. The graphical programming version of the robot dog provides users with greater customization space through the graphical programming interface. It is suitable for education and scientific research applications; while the AI intelligent version of the robot dog achieves more advanced functions and a wider range of application scenarios by integrating artificial intelligence technology.
ROS corgi robot dog:An intelligent robot dog that can build maps and navigate automatically

ROS corgi robot dog:An intelligent robot dog that can build maps and navigate automatically

AI dogXiaoR GEEKTechnology Co.,Ltd
With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of applications, ROS robot dogs will play an even more important role in the future. We can foresee that in the future era of intelligent robots, ROS robot dogs will become an indispensable part of people's lives and work, bringing more convenience and fun to our lives.
Introduction of Robot Operating Systems 2: ROS2 and compared with ROS

Introduction of Robot Operating Systems 2: ROS2 and compared with ROS

ROSXiaoR GEEKTechnology Co.,Ltd
What is ROS2? ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2) is the successor of ROS. Its working principle is similar to ROS1. It is an operating system widely u...
How to learning robot knowledge for a begginer?

How to learning robot knowledge for a begginer?

how to programmingXiaoR GEEKTechnology Co.,Ltd
The first step in learning robots should never be limited to just talking on paper. When you take the first step, you will not be far away from mastering this skill. Many people in the early stage are afraid of difficulties and often shrink from the first step. Faced with complicated parts, they feel that they have nowhere to start. This is why we appear. Our existence is to create simple and convenient learning tools for more robot enthusiasts, reducing a lot of trivial and unnecessary time, so that beginners can bravely take the first step.
A brief discussion on the relationship between K12 AI bionic intelligent programmable robot dog and K12 education

A brief discussion on the relationship between K12 AI bionic intelligent programmable robot dog and K12 education

AI dogXiaoR GEEKTechnology Co.,Ltd
the K12 AI bionic intelligent programmable robot dog can also lay the foundation for students’ future career development. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and robotics, there is an increasing demand for talents with programming and robotics skills. By learning to control robot dogs, students can understand and master these skills in advance and prepare for future career development.
The difference between Raspberry Pi 5 and Raspberry Pi 4B: An in-depth analysis of the differences between the two Raspberry Pi

The difference between Raspberry Pi 5 and Raspberry Pi 4B: An in-depth analysis of the differences between the two Raspberry Pi

development kitsXiaoR GEEKTechnology Co.,Ltd
Raspberry Pi, as an outstanding representative of open source hardware and software, has been attracting developers around the world with its power...